Shoutout from Booboo
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Steve Kelley interviews Booboo Stewart
[...] Booboo’s interests go well beyond the big screen, however; he’s also incredibly into music (he’s a guitarist and cites Boston as his favorite band) and has toured with Miley Cyrus. In addition, he’s also a big fan of superheroes and comic books; he’s even created his own character named Millenium Man.
“I made (him) up a really long time ago…It’s just a hobby, it’s all for fun. We’ll see what happens with it. It’s almost all done.”
And if he could be any superhero? “Superman.”
Booboo was an extremely easy-going guy and was great to talk to. I couldn’t help but walk away thinking years down the road, I’d be telling my (future) kids about the chance I got to interview Booboo Stewart.
Not that fandom hasn’t yet reached Stewart. He’s noted it’s more difficult to go out in public without being recognized and asked for autographs. Cognizant of the broad appeal of the franchise, Stewart has noted the occasionally absurd passion some of the fans display. “A girl got my name tattooed on her wrist,” he quipped wryly.
Asked about his future plans, Booboo offered some insight into what’s coming up. Coming out this summer is an indie film called White Frog. “I play a teenager with autism. It’s about a family who suffers from a tragic accident, and they key on my character who has to bring everyone together,” he offered, noting the learning disability that has only recently begun to garner the awareness it deserves. “I’m just really proud to have been a part of it and to create awareness for autism.” Beyond that, on-screen, he’ll be filming House of the Damned 3D, which will his first time working with 3D filming. In March, he’ll be heading on tour with his sisters on the Digitour. Still, he’s got an open ear to a few projects in particular. “I would love to be in Lord of the Rings…Even if I just got killed in the background,” he laughed.Read full article on Review St. Louis
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