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Booboo Stewart loves gaming
For the majority of guys that haven’t gotten into this whole Twilight thing, what are some reasons they might enjoy these last two Breaking Dawn flicks?
Breaking Dawn definitely is the most guy-friendly movie in the Twilight series. There’s a lot of really cool action in it between the vampires and the wolves. There’s all of this fighting and everything, which should appeal to the male audience.
Can you talk a little bit about your character in Breaking Dawn?
My character’s name is Seth Clearwater. He is like the peacemaker of the movie. He’s one of the few characters that actually gets along with everybody and wants everyone to get along.
What video games did you play growing up?
Definitely Street Fighter on the old Nintendo, where the controller was an oval and when the games didn’t work you’d have to hit in hard. And if that didn’t work you had to blow on the cartridge.
Street Fighter has come a little way since then. Have you checked out the Tekken X Street Fighter?
No. I heard about it and I really want to play it. There should be Tekken vs. Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat. That would be like the ultimate.
Who’s your favorite Street Fighter character?
Dhalsim, the guy who stretches.
Do you have a favorite memory from playing games back then?
One thing that I thought was crazy, and I didn’t even think about it back then, was when I had my GameBoy I had to use an external light to shine on to the screen. And now you have brightness in your video games. You can turn up the brightness on the screen and turn it down, but back then you couldn’t do that.
And now not only are games in color but they’re in 3D. Have you tried out the Nintendo 3DS?
No, but I know people that have it. I’ve seen someone play it. It’s cool.
Speaking of 3D, you’d have thought with the 3D craze that they’d have made Breaking Dawn in 3D.
Right. They probably discussed that at some point, but I don’t know. That’s more of the production thing. I think it’s kind of cool to be different and not do a 3D movie.
What are your thoughts about 3D because we’re seeing a lot of 3D video games?
Yeah. I think 3D is amazing. Not only are there 3D games but there are regular channels with 3D TV shows. I don’t have a 3D TV yet, but hopefully soon.
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